Smoke ‘in

Let’s mosey over there, it won’t take long.  He pulled his Pall Malls out of his shirt pocket by shaking the pack and putting it on his lips.  His  matches came from the same pocket and struck a blow for future problems.  He inhaled deeply and let the smoke come out his nose and mouth like a human smoke signal.   It was always a beginning for a conversation and hopefully the pack would be almost empty, if it was full we were in for a long wait.  Sitting in the backseat of the Ford or whatever car we had at the time we were to patiently wait for him while he “had to check on something”.  It wouldn’t take long, now sit still, was an impatient command because he had other things on his mind and kids weren’t one of them.  Business was being conducted and in that time and others very much like it I learned how to be patient.  Didn’t mean I liked it, just meant it was the way it was and time stood still.  Our only longing and hope would be for him to take us to get ice cream after the long incarceration.  Sometimes this happened and sometimes it didn’t.  Generally on a Sunday drive it was more hopeful and this made it tolerable.  

The trucks were coming and going in and out of the small stone gravel parking lot with it’s ruts and puddles from a previous rain.  The small white stone building that conducted a manly business was fading  and I can see him standing  with his hand on the door knob and can feel the anxiousness for him  to open it up and say good bye. ……………….. Bustersdaughter………….

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